Special Edition Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh – 2023
About GIBF
India is a fast growing country and an emerging Super Power. With Indian Government’s drive for initiatives such as “Make in India”, “Skill Developement” and Aatmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan (Self Reliant India Mission)” there are ample opportunities for both India and Global companies to run start-ups and-make exponential growth in all business sectors. These initiatives also provide a golden opportunity for Indian MSMEs to promete themselves and show their true potential to grow and flourish.
In such a dynamic and vibrant business scenario, to promote synergy, a need for formation of a common platform was felt. The idea was perceived and progressed further by Dr. Jitendra Joshi, a successful businessman and visionary who has over a glorious 25+ years of experience in Manufacturing and Service Industry at Senior Level Management in numerous MNC companies.
To fulfill this need and to bring together business professionals from various segments like Automobile, Engineering, FMCG, Chemical, Pharmaceuticals, Electronics, Heavy Metal, Service Industry etc. Global India Business Forum (GIBF) was formed.
Today, Global India Business Forum is one of the fastest growing networking platforms in the world that has successfully connected businessmen from different countries and sectors on one platform and is raring to go for more.
We, at GIBF, bridge the gap between demand for opportunities and their supply by conducting webinars and conferences. These webinars and conferences shall help Ambassadors and Consul Generals of countries across the world shed light on several business opportunities their countries have in store for foreign investors. They will also help businessmen identify business opportunities that best suit them and we shall help them come together on our platform.
GIBF consists of members from all fields of business, industry, academics and other professions without any segment boundaries. GIBF has its head office in Delhi, Corporate Office in Pune, India and Global offices in Dubai, USA, UK, Singapore and China. It also has a presence at Mumbai, Chennai, Ahmedabad, and Kolkata & Cuttack in India.
From the President’s Desk
It gives me immense pleasure to be in Vijayawada – the commercial, political, cultural and educational capital of Andhra Pradesh, to present the National Awards for Business Excellence 2023 on behalf of Global India Business Forum.
It is very heartening to see many enterprising people here who have soared great heights and are making the nation proud. It has indeed been a very daunting task to select the best among the best.
We have always supported the government of India’s initiatives and schemes like, Atmanirbhar Bharat (Selfreliant India), Make in India, Skill Development and others to boost the country’s economy and we will continue to do So.
We, at Global India Business Forum, believe that there are ample opportunities for both Indian and Global companies to run start-ups and make exponential growth in all business sectors. These initiatives also provide great opportunities for Indian Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to flourish. MSMEs in India are one of the largest drivers of the economy but this is also the sector that was pushed into uncertain waters and debts cycles in the past two years.
After the two-year slack in the MSME and some other businesses, we are now coming to the mainstream, ready to surge ahead. We appreciate the spirit of the businesspersons and the initiatives of the government to revive MSMEs. MSMEs contribute to 50% of the exports in India and provide 1200 plus crore jobs. It is comforting to learn that around 50% of the MSMEs are picking up well.
GIBF is committed to support MSMEs at various levels in the country and also across the world. The National Awards for Business Excellence at Vijayawada and International Business Seminar on February 4, 2023 is aimed at the same. We are trying to encourage MSMEs in all possible ways. We are also promoting them through our magazine, The Business Tycoons so that they can have a global presence. I extend my heartiest congratulations to all the winners for their hard work and perseverance.
GIBF wants to enhance bilateral trade between India and other countries and promote cultural exchange. Hence, we are forming Business and Cultural Councils with other countries. These Councils, we are sure, will take the countries ona larger platform with each one benefitting from the other. We are confident of realizing our mission very soon where businesses will be Glocal and the economy of every country will flourish. We thank you to be part of our mission.
Dr. Jitendra Joshi
Global President
Global India Business Forum
Governor of Andhra Pradesh, Honourable Shri Biswabhusan Harichandan – Message
I congratulate the winners of the National Award for Business Excellence. I am pleased to see that the deserving business persons have been awarded by Global India Business Forum. It is proud moment for them today to be recognized for their efforts. I trust you will continuously strive for excellence.
Global India Business Forum that organized this function is one of the fastest growing business networking platforms where businesspersons from various sectors and countries are brought under one roof. I congratulate them for their efforts to promote businesspersons, particularly from the MSME sector and also for supporting various schemes of the government of India to uplift the country’s economy.
There was a time when India was known for excellence in business in various sectors. The country was ahead of the West in business. Once again, India is moving ahead steadily towards development and is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. The entire world is looking at India as the next developed country.
And by developed, we mean a nation that has the capacity for earning wealth, is literate, and has high quality of life and national
security. Be proud of your country, chase your dreams and contribute in fulfilling the dream of becoming Athmanirbhar Bharat.
The government of India is taking all the efforts to make this a reality. It has introduced many schemes to make the country selfreliant. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision of Atmanirbhar Bharat can be realized by implementing the government’s ambitious schemes of Make in India, Digital India, Start-up, Stand-up, skill development programmes (skill, re-skill, and up-skill), etc. The government is also promoting the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises through various schemes. The ministry envisions a vibrant MSME sector by promoting its growth and development in cooperation with other ministries/departments and the state government. Each one ofus needs to extend our support through our actions to make the government schemes successful.
Andhra Pradesh is known for its spices, mines and minerals, textiles and apparels, IT industry, automobiles and auto components industry, bulk drugs and pharmaceuticals, paddy, horticulture, poultry farming and many other things. These businesses can grow further with the help of government schemes. GIBF can promote these industries by facilitating business opportunities in the country and abroad. This award ceremony in Andhra Pradesh has definitely encouraged the entrepreneurs here and will motivate to take their businesses across shores.
I wish all the awardees and entrepreneurs here the best in their endeavours to reach the pinnacle of success at the global level.
Cover Story – Shri B. Raghavendra Rao Chairman & Managing Director of Bondada Engineering Pvt.Ltd.
H.E. Dr. Shankar P. Sharma – Ambassador of Nepal
Supporting Sponsor – Mr. Nageswara Rao B. Founder & Chairman of Hanvika Organic Innovations Pvt. Ltd.
H.E. Mr. Arunkoemar Hardien – Ambassodor of The Republic of Suriname
Supporting Sponsor – Ambati Foundation & Charitable Trust
H.E. Kamlesh S. Prakash High Commissioner of High Commission of The Republic of Fiji
Supporting Sponsor – Haru Rensource Pvt. Ltd.
Supporting Sponsor – Diwyakant Mistry – Pincipal Designer and Founder of DMA Divvyakant Mistry Associates
H.E. Ahmed Sule – High Commissioner of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
Prof.Dr. Bipin Sule – CEO Vishwakarma Institutes & University Pune
Sivapuram Vijaya Bhaskar, Proprietor – Sri Shanthi Engineering Agencies
Dr. Nawab Shaik Ibrahim – Trade Commissioner of India – Tunisia Trade Council and Chairman of NSI Global Council